A tale of threes

Sepia Saturday 191They say “two is company and three is a crowd” and there are times when that can feel quite true. Growing up as an only child, it was easy at times to feel odd one out, or conversely to lend allegiance to one or the other parent: a triangulation of emotions. Envy of those with siblings, bouncing around them like puppies, was not uncommon and yet, once accustomed to, a change in the sibling status would have been a shock to the system, however much wished for or welcomed.

Scared of a camera...me?
Scared of a camera…me?

On reflection it seems that the number three was destined to play a significant role in my life.

Throughout high school I had two best girlfriends to share the highs and lows of those teenaged years in an all-girls school.

Joan Pauleen and Norman Kunkel query Anzac Sq crop

Different tertiary paths eroded the friendship but two of us remained, and a new one was added –the boyfriend, now husband. Broader friendships were formed but at the core those two.

Then over the years we were to have three daughters to brighten our lives and keep us on our toes.

The three sisters in front of the rock formation in the Blue Mountains called the Three Sisters.
The three sisters in front of the rock formation in the Blue Mountains called the Three Sisters.

Now we have three grandchildren, delightful all, with the gender distribution changed to two boys and a girl.

Isn’t it strange how “fate” follows you around, and in my case, three has been a recurring theme. Comparing these photos with the Sepia Saturday one, it struck me that in mine, the balance is different: the youngest has centre place in every one with the older family members providing a protective barrier.

Why not have a look at what other Sepians have had to say about threes.

35 thoughts on “A tale of threes

  1. A good play on the number theme.
    My second thought was to have done something based on ‘we three’ as in my two brothers and I – so many photos, just the three of us, and a recent reunion at my brothers 50th producing a classic ‘we three’ shot – maybe another Saturday


    1. A “we three” theme would be good and maybe worth doing regardless of a Sepian prompt -Murphy’s Law says there’d then be the perfect image prompt afterwards 😉


  2. What a wonderful photo of you three sitting in the hills. The final part of your post made me wonder if the two women were protecting the man in the prompt, I don’t think so.


    1. Thanks Kristin, yes I like that one too, including the distressed face. In the feature image I suspect the man is supposed to be the centre of attention but I think it fails on that count because the women are quite dominant.


  3. Yes, can relate to the three-some of friends and being on of 3 siblings- eg 3 daughters.
    -so we are not the only ones re: “the 3 sisters” in the blue mountains! – G,K,M.


    1. I can imagine if there were only three of you, and two were twins, you’d have often found yourself on the outer postcardy….or perhaps I’m projecting.


  4. Very special photos of you and your parents and an interesting analogy of the number three and how it has had such an impact on your life. I’m the Mom of an only child, and he rather liked it that way….as long as he lots of cousins to play with. He’s now the Dad of four and I rather like it that way…four’s a good number, too.

    Sue CollectInTexasGal~Today’s Post~
    Older Sister Syndrome~Sepia SAT Sibling 3Some


    1. Yes Sue, four is one of my favourites too. I think that the issue of only-child-dom has changed over the years as it’s become less unusual. My granddaughter is an only child and adores her cousins with whom she has a kind of sibling relationship.


  5. I have been so surprised how often threes come up in family photos — but not in mine. More of a pack mentality, me thinks. i loved the classic on the hill photo — rather reminded me of the “Sound of Music”


  6. The opening of your post made a nice companion to CollectinTexasGal Sue’s post.

    Like you, I always enjoy those moments of self-discovery while putting together a post. It is gratifying (and a relief!!) after struggling with what feels like a boring do-nothing topic to have that breakthrough that elevates a germ of an idea into a pretty good post that I’m not embarrassed about.


  7. There’s a concept of “three” in graphic design — it spills out into things like gardening (plant things in groups of three) — it’s all about drawing the eye into the space…your photos show that distinctly!


    1. Thanks Deb- this was an “aha” moment – I had assumed that once you went beyond three the image starts to get crowded. As you say, the concept works and it’s an idea I won’t forget both in photography and gardening.


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